There’s a deli restaurant in Toronto called The Pickle Barrel. When we lived in the area we loved to go there for pastrami, corned beef and other deli favorites. One of the waiters at the Pickle Ba
rrel in Willowdale was always a little chippy and fun to deal with. He always rose to the challenge when I’d try and wind him up, and I do love to wind up waiters.
This particular day, Cheryl and I were there with my Mum and Dad. We’d had a great meal and it was time for coffee and dessert. Orders were placed and Mum ordered coffee.
With a wink in his eye for my benefit he asked my Mum, “Would you like your coffee with or without cream today madam?”.
Mum replied “Oh! without cream please”,
He turned away from the table and clicked his fingers, turned on his heels, returned to the table and said, “I’m sorry. I forgot. We’re out of cream! Would it be alright if I served your coffee without milk?”