Have you ever heard of Amjo Corp?

My wife Cheryl and I own a small business. It's called AMJO. Our two kids were named Amy and Jody. Maybe you can figure out where the name came from?

Hey! I wrote this. READ IT

The Chaplain and my Dad

Many years ago in the early nineties, before my dad passed away, he was in hospital in Sherbrooke Quebec. He was having some blood flow issues and he had just had an operation on his carotid artery and was slowly recovering. The operation itself was not painful but the recovery was. The operation required that

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Queen Elizabeth and the Isetta

In high school, I was president of the Drama Club and one year we put on a British play, my brain is scrambling to remember the name of the play. The story that follows is still funny and TRUE. The play requires a picture of the queen to be on the wall of the set.

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The Coronation

I did write a book a few years ago and it opens with this tale of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The book is still available at Amazon and a few other online stores. Even WH Smith in the UK used to have it! I was six years old; the year was 1953 and

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The Dinner Party

We hosted a dinner party for all our friends, some of whom we hadn’t seen for ages and everyone was encouraged to bring their children along as well. (Sorry, if you were not invited.) All throughout dinner my wife’s best friend’s four-year-old daughter stared at me as I sat opposite her. The girl could hardly

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